How to Hem Curtains WITHOUT Sewing in Two Ways
When buying curtains, it is often hard to find them in that perfect length for every window. Of course you want to avoid getting expensive custom made curtains in the exact length you need. So hemming them can be a regular occurrence. Many can just simply run them through their sewing machines. Others aren’t so talented and/or don’t have a sewing machine, like me! So I came across how to hem curtains without sewing in two ways. They are so easy, too!
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First Way: Iron-On Fusing Web
These curtains in our basement started out being too long, so I hemmed them using this amazing product! Shop this iron-on fusing web here
(You can read more about our basement renovation here)

The whole process can be done while the curtains are hanging. You never even need to take them down.

- iron on fusing web
- stick pins
- fabric scissors
- iron
- ironing board
- piece of cloth
There are clear instructions on the back of the fusing web package, once you get to that part. I will also explain it here.
- While the curtains are still hanging, fold the bottom of the curtains under to the desired length.
- Use the stick pins to hold, to keep it folded and in place.
- Bring the curtain bottom up to the ironing board and iron a crease on the new fold.
- Cut off excess curtain a couple of inches past the fold and remove the pins.
- Unfold the bottom and line the fusing web across it right above the crease. I used two strips because the fabric is quite thick, just to be sure.

6. Fold it back over the strips and proceed with the directions on the back of the package or as follows.
7. Cover with a cloth (I used my son’s old undershirt…). Using an iron on wool setting, press and hold for 10 seconds. Continue across the width of the curtain. Repeat as necessary until completely bonded. Repeat on the flip side as well and test once cooled.

I’m so impressed with how easy and effective it is!
Second Way: Curtain Rings

Curtain rings are so cute, even when you don’t need to shorten your curtains! I really love the look, so much so that I have them on three sets of curtains in my home. (They actually also come in handy when your curtains are too short, because they can add another inch!) This particular set of curtains was significantly too long, so I wondered what would happen if I folded over the top to the desired length and clipped it with the curtain rings.

It almost worked, but there was too much of a visible flap. So I decided to trim off the excess and fold over the ragged edge. That did the trick!

When cutting off the excess, be sure to leave a couple inches of a flap to work with.
Iron down the fold to make a good solid crease. Make sure each end lines up with itself to make sure it’s a straight line.

Fold down the edge against the crease and then again to hide it.

Now it’s ready for the rings!

Tip: I find it’s easiest to start with the clips on both ends and the middle to be able to eyeball them to be somewhat evenly spaced.

One variation on using the clips would be to use the iron on fusing web that I talked about previously as a way to fold down the cut edge instead of just folding it over and clipping it.
I also have heard of using tablecloths or sheets as curtains by using the curtain clips!
The link above is for the curtain rings that I used and would recommend!
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