Basement Renovation: Entertainment Center/Cubbies
Home Improvements

How to Design an Entertainment Center and Built Ins

When we decided to finish our basement, a major goal was to make it a man cave of sorts. We have two teen boys who love video games, and we all enjoy watching tv and movies. What belongs in a man cave more than a large screen tv? My husband already had his dream tv and speakers in mind. Even though electronics are his specialty and not mine, I was also excited about using it all in the end! First though, my main thought was what will go under and all around that large screen that would look great and be functional. Which leads to this part in the basement remodel, how to design an entertainment center and built ins.

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What the basement looked like before the renovation.
This is the wall where the entertainment center ultimately goes.

First take a look at what the basement looked like before. It was completely unfinished and just used for storage. Basically it was just a dumping ground and quite dungeon like! It was exciting to think we were going to create a whole floor of livable space.

basement reno uderway
Making progress, including adding egress windows.
Getting there!
The before of the entertainment center, trying to map it out to figure out size.

Once we had walls, we were able to tape out the “tv” to try to see first what size screen to get. We decided we wanted a large row of cubbies and a closed cabinet underneath it. We also decided that since we wanted such a large unit, and that we had specific details in mind that we would design it ourselves. So after taping the tv screen, we also taped out what the cubbies would look like. That way we could also get the dimensions down.

I knew I wanted cubbies because my vision was to have storage bins that would go into each one. I wanted lots of storage and a place for closed bins to hide their contents.

The bins that are in the cubbies for storage.
Finally have a place to store school artwork and papers. Each of my boys has their own.

Another factor that went into figuring out dimensions was the bins that would go into the cubbies. I actually had these particular bins in mind before we even designed it all! So we measured them and designed the perfect fit.

Tim was able to find a cad program online to map out these designs. Then we had something to give the builder to refer to. We decided to have someone else build and install them.

measurements and design of the cubbies/entertainment center
Here is the design we came up with.
entertainment center and cubbies

The large metal bins would go across the bottom on either side. The top row would hold smaller bins. The middle would be a closed cabinet to hold board games and some electronics (the rest of the electronics actually are in the furnace room). We measured to make sure board games and everything we need to put in there would fit well.

how to design an entertainment center and built ins
how to design an entertainment center and built ins
board games fit well inside the cabinet of the entertainment center
Behind one of the cabinet doors

Now in the planning stage we also had to look at the size of the wall and where the couch would be. Then after the “tv” was centered we could measure out the “cubbies” to be underneath with the tv centered above. It ended up being almost the entire length of the wall. This is also why we went with designing our own built in unit. Finding a piece like this sold in stores to go under would be hard to find in this size. It needed something very large under it to anchor it, not just to be able to have extra storage. It creates balance for the whole room.

cubbies before installation of the entertainment center
Before installation
how to design an entertainment center and built ins
Christmas time

I think we successfully created a man cave in the end. Well, maybe a “pretty” man cave that Mom is allowed to go into too sometimes :). We love the look of our entertainment center and all of the cubbies. It is also such great storage! So many things have a place to go now and everything is so neatly hidden away. Can’t wait for the next movie night!

movie night surrounding the entertainment center in the now finished basement

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